Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This place is where everyone from elementary school come and hang out. If we have nothing to do me and my friends gather up here and just waste time here. They sell many things in this place from tortas to ice cream. Its really good. We are really good friends with the people that work here.

This is subway. Its a really good place to relax and have a healthy meal. When me and my friends/family don't know what to eat, we sometimes come here. Mostly when we are going home late we go here because they close at 10pm. 

This is a park behind a church in my neighborhood called St. Clare. Me and my friends come here and relax. There's a little field on the right side. So we sometimes play soccer. We would stay here until like 10pm. 

This is my corner store. When i crave something like chips or candy, i go here and buy some. Mostly everyone in the neighborhood goes here. It's very nice in the inside. The people that work here are really cool. 

This is where i rent my movies. I like this place because it has a lot of movies to choose from. When I'm bored and don't know what to watch on TV, I usually come here and rent movies. They're legit movies, not movies like the ones from la gara. They have old to new movies.